How the Veteran Directed Care Program Supports Independence

How the Veteran-Directed Care Program Supports Independence

Our veterans are the heart and soul of our communities in this country, and taking care of them the way they have taken care of our nation should be one of our utmost priorities. However, many elderly and disabled veterans face the possibility of being moved from their homes into care facilities where they will not have the independence or possibly even the care they deserve. This is where the Veteran-Directed Care Program comes in. Delta Center proudly offers this service in association with the Veterans Administration to help our veterans be cared for and stay as independent as possible. If you or a loved one is an elderly and/or disabled veteran, receive your primary medical care through the VA, and are looking for a way to keep your independence, this is the program for you. To help you better understand how this program could improve your life, here are some features of the Veteran-Directed Care Program that support veterans’ independence and help improve quality of life—

Employ Your Own Team

The Veteran-Directed Care Program prioritizes your needs and wants as a veteran, and one of the ways it achieves this is by making you the director of your own care. Through this program, you are the one who chooses your care team employees with your VDC provider. Your care employees can be anyone who you and your VDC provider see fit—they can even be your family members. This way, you know exactly who is going to be around you, what care they will provide, and the schedule on which they will be providing it. Keep your care under your control.

Remain at Home

One of the most impactful features of the VDC is that it allows veterans to remain in their homes and still receive the care they need instead of having to move to a care facility away from their families and belongings. This is a fear for many elderly and/or disabled veterans, as moving to a care facility can uproot their lives entirely, taking them out of their control. With the VDC, your care teamDelta Center Veteran Directed Care comes to you, and you can continue to live as independently as possible. This way, your care becomes only one part of your life instead of the main focus, and you can go on with your everyday activities as normal. The Veteran-Directed Care Program does not take away from your life—it only adds to it.

Access Community Resources

Working with the VA and your VDC provider is a wonderful way to get connected with resources all around you. The VDC is a long-term care program built to last you as long as you need it, and having other supports that are catered specifically to your needs can help bolster your care system. With access to community resources through your connection with the VA, you will have a variety of support systems around your care team, making sure that all of your needs are met. With this kind of support behind you should you need it, you are free to focus on what is important to you without the fear of not having your care needs and other requirements met.

Be the Master of Your Care

The number one priority of the VDC is giving you as the veteran full control over your care and how you want to live your civilian life. This control gives you the autonomy and independence you deserve, making you more likely to not only have all of your care needs met, but truly enjoy life outside of your care.

The Veteran-Directed Care Program can be life changing, empowering our veterans to remain in control of their lives and care programs—it is the least that they deserve. Delta Center is proud to be able to offer such a program for one of our country’s most important populations. They have served our country well, it’s time we serve them in return. For more information on the VDC, take a look at our in-depth guide here. If you are interested in the Veteran-Directed Care Program, reach out to your VA primary care provider or contact Amanda Kerley at Delta Center.