When you have a spinal cord injury, your life is suddenly and drastically changed in many ways. This can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with the physical limitations associated with the condition. But having a spinal cord injury does not mean that life must stop or that happiness cannot be found. With proper care and support from family and friends, living with a spinal cord injury can offer plenty of joy, new opportunities for growth and activities, and meaningful relationships.
Know that physical therapy works
Taking the plunge and beginning physical therapy after a spinal cord injury can be daunting and challenging. But with patience, focus, and the right physical therapist, it is by no means an impossible feat!
Physical therapy can positively alter your quality of life after a spinal cord injury, as it allows for mobility and could even help improve movement and functioning if the damage due to your injury is not too severe. Of course, physical therapy also aids in maintaining strength, flexibility, and motor coordination to improve balance and reduce any pain associated with your injury.
Take the time to build a community
Living with a spinal cord injury can be a difficult and isolating experience, but there are many advantages to building relationships with others navigating the same journey. Connecting with the right people in your community – local support groups or online resources – will help you find allies and mentors to draw strength from during difficult times.
It can also provide valuable insight into treatment options, products and services offered by medical professionals, and even potential lifestyle changes that can only improve your quality of life.
Don’t forget your mental health
When living with a spinal cord injury, focusing on your physical health and prioritizing your mental well-being is essential. People who struggle with a spinal cord injury can be prone to dealing with profound negative emotions that, at times, can disrupt their daily lives.
To help cope, look into forms of psychological treatments such as cognitive behavior therapy or life coaching. These types of treatments help boost self-esteem and provide valuable advice on managing living with a disability.
Learn how to advocate for yourself with Delta Center
Living with a spinal cord injury can bring many challenges. With the assistance of Delta Center, those living with such an injury can learn how to advocate for themselves effectively. Delta Center helps injured individuals gain autonomy by providing resources, programs, and knowledge on best practices. Through empowerment, Delta Center helps our clients find the freedom to determine their health outcomes and shape their unique visions for a better life.
With our experienced team, Delta Center is committed to helping all spinal cord injury patients ascend when faced with adversity.